After Ecosa
The majority of 21st century jobs have not yet been created. National Geographic lists green design professionals as one of the fastest growing green jobs.
The mission of Ecosa is to restore health to the natural environment, and thus the human environment, through education in design. Our vision is of a world that blends ethical values and ecological patterns, with the vitality and dynamism of the design arts. For students who complete our certificate programs, specific career paths vary greatly and might include anything from consulting, professional design work, entrepreneurship, community development, local government work, or nonprofit management.
This is a sampling of the work that our alumni are doing after graduating from the Ecosa Institute’s Semester Immersion Course:
Founder and Principal Architect, Shelter Design Studio
Stewardship Director, The Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust
Business Sustainability and Energy Expert, Vanden Brink Consulting
Farmer’s Market Coordinator, City of Chicago
Promotions Coordinator, Austin EcoNetwork
Environmental Specialist, Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, Architects
Project Manager, Action Sports Environmental Coalition
Energy Project Manager, City of Huntington Beach