Make an impact: support the future of sustainable design.

"It's a pleasure to strongly endorse Ecosa's design education program and the work you are doing. In the last years I have lectured and given workshops at many Schools of Architecture and while there is a great deal of interest among students in learning about sustainable design and green architecture, I'm sad to say that very few programs are fulfilling the need. ECOSA is an outstanding exception and I say that through first hand experience. Your students are mature, committed, and exceptionally talented. The spirit, give and take, and work products are all far above what I have seen in conventional schools of architecture. You are filling a crying need that the
 Collegiate schools of architecture are not meeting."

— Sim Van der Ryn, AIA, NCARB | Author and Architect


“…One of the most common questions Rocky Mountain Institute gets is "Where can I go for sustainability-focused education? Students who attend Ecosa's 16-week program study a diverse range of topics such as ecological land planning, cultural awareness, solar design, green building systems and materials, etc. They get hands-on experience working on real projects from the perspective whole-systems sustainable design. This solid grounding in how to think sustainably sets the stage for how they will continue to perceive design problems, evaluate solutions and continue to grow professionally. Rocky Mountain Institute recognizes the important value of the Ecosa Institute program and continues to support Ecosa's mission.”

— Alexis Karolides, AIA | 
Rocky Mountain Institute

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